Updating DW Spectrum® IPVMS ARM for a DW Blackjack® MINI™
Affected Roles: Administrator, Owner
Related Digital Watchdog VMS Apps: DW Spectrum® IPVMS
Complexity: Medium
Firmware Version: DW Spectrum® IPVMS ARM v3.2 or newer
Last Edit: October 17, 2022
DISCONTINUED PRODUCT: As of October 2022, the DW Blackjack MINI is a discontinued product and is no longer eligible for future firmware updates.
DW Spectrum® IPVMS ARM
The DW Blackjack® MINI™ requires periodic updates to the DW Spectrum® IPVMS ARM firmware, which is responsible for managing the system as a headless DW Spectrum® Server. If this firmware is not kept up-to-date, it could lead to operating issues, device communication issues, and other inconveniences.
This article will outline how to update the DW Spectrum® IPVMS ARM firmware to ensure that the DW Blackjack® MINI™ is capable of acting as a Server.
**NOTE: This article is for updating the DW Spectrum IPVMS ARM firmware only. If you are trying to update the firmware of the DW Blackjack® MINI™, please refer to Updating Firmware of a DW Blackjack MINI.
If you are trying to update DW Spectrum IPVMS for a server model other than the DW Blackjack MINI, please refer to Updating DW Spectrum.
Supported/Affected Devices:
- DW Blackjack® MINI™ (DW-BJMINIxT)
- DW Blackjack® MINI™ w/ RAID (DW-BJMINIxTR)
Updating the ARM Firmware
To update the DW Spectrum® IPVMS ARM firmware of the DW Blackjack® MINI™:
- You may acquire the up-to-date file on the DW Blackjack® MINI™ product page. Scroll down the product page and select the Download tab to access the available firmware and software files.
Download the latest DW Spectrum® IPVMS ARM version for the DW Blackjack® MINI™.
Save the file to the computer’s desktop for easier access.
**NOTE: Be sure to keep the firmware update files compressed in the .zip folder for later use.
- To connect with the DW Blackjack® MINI™, open a web browser on a computer that shares the same local network (LAN) as the DW Blackjack® MINI™ (or that can connect externally/WAN).
Enter the IP Address and Port of the DW Blackjack® MINI™ using the following format to connect with the unit’s web client.
http://<Server IP Address>:<Port>/static/index.html#/advanced
- Example IP Address: 192.168.50
- Example Port: 80 (default)
- Example URL:
**NOTE: If you do not know the IP Address of the DW Blackjack® MINI™, you can use DW IP Finder™ or check in the DW Spectrum Client to identify the address of the headless server. Otherwise, the default IP Address is
- Once you have connected with the DW Blackjack® MINI™ web client, enter the Administrator login for the unit.
- Default Username: admin
- Default PW: admin1234
**NOTE: The login information for the DW Blackjack® MINI™ and DW Spectrum® IPVMS are two separate logins. Use the login for the DW Blackjack® MINI™ to access the settings of the device itself and not the video management system.
- After logging in to the DW Blackjack® MINI™ as an Administrator, click on the System tab, then select “DW Spectrum®”.
- The DW Spectrum® page will display including the currently applied firmware version.
If the firmware is outdated, click the Stop Media Server button to stop the DW Spectrum® Media Server.
After the Media Server has stopped, click the Install Media Server button and select the zipped ARM firmware
- The DW Spectrum® Install window will display.
Select Upgrade, then click the Install button.
- Once the ARM firmware has finished updating, a confirmation box will display.
Click the OK button to confirm.
- The new version of the DW Spectrum IPVMS ARM firmware will now be installed.
Click the Start Media Server button to have the DW Blackjack® MINI™ resume its regular operation.