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Home > DW Product Help > Software Applications > DW Spectrum IPVMS > Troubleshooting > DW Spectrum - Changing Software Logging Level via Configuration File
DW Spectrum - Changing Software Logging Level via Configuration File
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Changing Software Logging Level via Configuration File


Affected Roles: Administrator, Power User

Related Digital Watchdog VMS Apps: DW Spectrum

Software Version: DW Spectrum 6.0

Last Edit: March 24, 2025



Application Server Logs

As DW Spectrum runs, the system will create a Server log that keeps a record of all Server transactions in basic text form, while a Desktop Client log keeps a record of all client interactions. In certain cases, to speed up and simplify the troubleshooting process, you may be asked to provide support technicians with Server or Desktop Client logs.

There are multiple ways to obtain these logs:

  • Through the DW Spectrum Client application
  • Through the application file directory
  • By following log files in real-time

This article will outline how to change the Desktop Client and Server logging level of DW Spectrum on Windows, Ubuntu, and Macintosh (client only) using the Windows Registry Editor, or with an Ubuntu or macOS configuration file.


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Part 1: Changing the Server Configuration File

Windows Registry Editor

  1. To increase the logging level using the Registry Editor:
    1. Open the Registry Editor tool.

    1. In the Registry Editor, navigate to:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Digital Watchdog\Digital Watchdog Media Server


  1. Add a logLevel string, and set the desired value (e.g., DEBUG2).

Click OK to save.


  1. Restart the Media Server to apply changes.


  1. Server logs will be available at:

C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Digital Watchdog\Digital Watchdog Media Server\log


Ubuntu Configuration File

  1. To change the log level, open vi editor and modify the server config file:



  1. Add a logLevel string, set the desired value (e.g., DEBUG2), then save the modified file.


  1. Restart the Media Server to apply changes


  1. Application logs will be available at:




Part 2: DW Spectrum Desktop Client

Windows Registry Editor

  1. Stop all running desktop client instances (including Videowall) on the client computer.


  1. To increase the logging level using the Registry Editor.
    1. Open the Registry Editor tool.

    1. In the Registry Editor, navigate to:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Digital Watchdog\Digital Watchdog DW Spectrum Client


  1. Find the logLevel, then double-click to select it.

Set the desired Value data (e.g., DEBUG2) then click OK to save.


  1. Start the DW Spectrum Client to apply the changes.


  1. The Desktop Client logs are now available in:
C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Digital Watchdog\Digital Watchdog DW Spectrum Client\log


Ubuntu Configuration File

  1. Stop all running Desktop client instances (videowall included) on the specific client computer.


  1. To change the log level open vi editor and modify the client config file:

/home/%username%/config/Digital Watchdog/Digital Watchdog DW Spectrum Client.conf


  1. Find the logLevel string, set the desired value (e.g., DEBUG2), then save the modified value.


  1. Start the client to apply changes.


  1. Desktop Client logs will be available at:

/home/%username%/.local/share/Digital Watchdog/client/default



Macintosh Configuration File

  1. Stop all running Desktop client instances (videowall included) on the specific client computer.


  1. Open Terminal and convert the Desktop Client's config file from binary to .xml format: 

plutil -convert xml1 ~/Library/Preferences/\ Watchdog\ DW\ Spectrum\ Client.plist


  1. Open the converted config file with the vim command:

vim ~/Library/Preferences/\ Watchdog\ DW\ Spectrum\ Client.xml


  1. Find the line <key>logLevel</key> by entering the search command:



  1. Enter edit mode by pressing “i" and edit the line directly under the highlighted search result. It should be changed from “<string>none</string>” to <string>DEBUG2</string>”.

If it cannot be found in the file, create the <key>logLevel</key> entry yourself.


  1. Press the ESC button, then type the command “:wq” and press the ENTER key.


  1. Desktop Client logs will be available at:

~/Library/Application Support/Digital Watchdog/Digital Watchdog DW Spectrum Client/log




For More Information or Technical Support

DW Technical Support:  866.446.3595 (option 4)


DW Sales:  866.446.3595                   [email protected]

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