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Home > DW Product Help > Software Applications > DW Spectrum IPVMS > DW Cloud > DW Spectrum - DW Cloud Account Setup and Management
DW Spectrum - DW Cloud Account Setup and Management
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DW Cloud Account Setup and Management

Affected Roles:  Owner
Related Digital Watchdog VMS Apps:  DW Spectrum® IPVMS

Last Edit:  June 13, 2024


DW Cloud

The DW Cloud service offers an end-to-end connection option for communicating between DW Spectrum Client workstation(s) and your DW Spectrum Server.

  • Workstation - client-based system used purely for the viewing, exporting, and management of the server. Footage is not recorded to this system directly and is used to view the system with the DW Spectrum Client.
  • Server - the location where the Spectrum Media Server software is installed. The server's purpose is to receive video streams from cameras, manage local camera settings, process and analyze video for motion or other special settings, archive and store footage, and act as the central device in the surveillance network. Typically, this system will have both the DW Spectrum Server and the DW Spectrum Client installed.
  • System – represents the overall DW Spectrum array.  It can be comprised of a single server or merged servers.


**NOTE:  When creating the DW Cloud Owner account for a large organization, it is recommended to use a group email address as the Owner account. Doing so will reduce the need to change the email address of the Owner if the overseeing personnel is no longer with the organization.



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Supported/Affected Devices

  • DW Blackjack® Series


Benefits of Using DW Cloud

  • Connect and view multiple servers from a single workstation.
  • Share and assign permissions with other users.
  • Alternate method of remote connection without the need for port forwarding (some limitations may apply when there is a Firewall or Sonicwall present).


Drawbacks of Using DW Cloud

  • No data/footage will be stored online. Video archives are saved directly to the DW Spectrum Server and rely on the integrity of local storage drives.
  • Only works in single router configuration (both Server and Client).
  • Does not work in a Symmetric NAT environment.
  • Does not work in more than one dynamic NAT environment (multiple routers).
  • If the server is behind multiple routers, only one router should have a dynamic NAT configuration.
  • Does not work in a VLAN environment.
  • May not work with outbound (egress) firewall rules.
  • TCP Ports 80, 443, and 3345 must be unblocked on the outbound (egress) rules.
  • Information for allowlisting a DW Spectrum Server can be found in DW Spectrum - FQDN or Allowlist for DW Cloud Access.


Creating a DW Cloud Account

To create a DW Cloud account:

  1. Launch the DW Spectrum Client and click on the DW Cloud icon in the top-right corner of the window.


  1. Click on “Create Account” and complete the account creation form.

Enter your email address, first and last name, and create a password.

Agree to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy, then click the Create Account button.


  1. A confirmation email will be sent to the address that was entered into the form. Open the email and complete the confirmation to activate the account.

Once activated, return to the DW Spectrum Client and log in to your DW Cloud account.


  1. Your email address associated with the DW Cloud account will appear in the top-right of the DW Spectrum Client window once you have been connected.


Connecting the System to DW Cloud

Adding Through the IPVMS Desktop Client

To connect your DW Spectrum System to DW Cloud:

  1. Launch the DW Spectrum Client and log in as the Owner.

Once logged in, open the System Administration menu (shortcut:  Ctrl+Alt+A) and select the DW Cloud tab.


  1. From the DW Cloud menu, click on “Connect System to DW Cloud” and enter the DW Cloud account credentials.

A confirmation message will display once your DW Spectrum System has been connected to your account. This DW Cloud account will be recognized as the System Owner.


5) After connecting the system to your DW Cloud account, subsequent users of the Server can also have their DW Cloud accounts added to the System.


Adding Through the DW Spectrum Web Client

To add a DW Cloud Owner with the web client:

  1. Connect with the Server’s web client. You can do this either by
  • Right-clicking on the System in the DW Spectrum Client and selecting “Open Web Client”.

  • Or by opening a web browser and using the server’s IP address and port number.
  • Example:
  • If you are performing this on the Server itself, you can use the loopback address to connect. (e.g.


  1. Log into the web client as the Owner user and select the Settings tab.

In the System Administration > General menu, locate the DW Cloud section.


  1. Click the Connect to DW Cloud button.

You may be redirected to an authorization web page. Click “Accept the risks and continue”.


  1. Enter the DW Cloud email and password then click the Log In button. This DW Cloud account will receive Owner access level rights.

Enter the DW Spectrum System password to confirm, then click “Connect”.

The system will then be connected to DW Cloud.




For More Information or Technical Support

DW Technical Support:  866.446.3595 (option 4)


DW Sales:  866.446.3595                   [email protected]


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