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Home > DW Product Help > DW Recording Servers > DW Blackjack Servers > Windows OS > DW Blackjack - Collecting Windows Event Viewer Logs
DW Blackjack - Collecting Windows Event Viewer Logs
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Collecting Windows Event Viewer Logs


Affected Roles:  Owner, Administrator

Related Digital Watchdog VMS Apps:  DW Spectrum IPVMS

Last Edit:  August 9, 2024



Windows Event Viewer

The Windows Event Viewer is a tool that provides a comprehensive log of system events that allows administrators to view the information for system activity, security, and application logs. For example, it provides detailed information about significant events, such as program startup or shutdown, security breaches, etc.

Digital Watchdog’s Technical Support Team will often use operating system tools to troubleshoot and investigate issues that may occur on a server. In some circumstances, remote access may not be available for Technical Support to use.

This article will outline how to collect Windows Event Viewer Logs for submission to DW Technical Support.


Supported/Affected Devices:

  • DW Blackjack Servers (Windows OS)


Exporting the Log

To export the Windows Event Viewer Log:

  1. Open the Windows Start menu and search for “Event Viewer”.

Open the Event Viewer application.


  1. In the Event Viewer, select “Windows Logs” from the left-panel, then select “System”.


  1. In the right-panel, under “Actions”, select “Filter Current Log…”.


  1. Change the Logged setting to “Custom Range” and configure the following:
    • From – set as “Events On” and set the specific date of when the incident being investigated occurred. Set the time 12:00:00AM.
    • To – set as “Events On” and set the specific date of when the incident being investigated occurred. Set the time 11:59:59PM.


  1. In the right-panel, under “Actions”, select “Save Filtered Log File As…”.


  1. Name the file and save as a .evtx filetype.

Provide the exported .evtx file to the Technical Support Team so that it can be attached to your support ticket.




For More Information or Technical Support

DW Technical Support:  866.446.3595 (option 4)


DW Sales:  866.446.3595                   [email protected]

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