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Home > DW Product Help > DW Recording Servers > DW Blackjack Servers > Blackjack Ai Servers > DW Spectrum - Blackjack Ai Server Plugin Advanced Settings
DW Spectrum - Blackjack Ai Server Plugin Advanced Settings
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DW Blackjack Ai Server Plugin Advanced Settings


Affected Roles:  Owner, Administrator

Related Digital Watchdog VMS Apps:  DW Spectrum IPVMS, DW Blackjack Ai Configuration Tool

Software Version:  DW Spectrum 5.1

Last Edit:  September 8, 2023



Ai Server Plugin Advanced Configuration

When using a DW Blackjack Ai Server, the device will come with both DW Spectrum and the DW Blackjack Ai Server Configuration Tool installed. These two applications are used in tandem to view and manage the analytic system and video recordings.

While most of the analytic server settings can be managed with the Blackjack Ai Server Configuration Tool, DW Spectrum is dependent upon the presence of the Ai Server Plugin to utilize the metadata. As a result of this, there are some advanced camera settings available in the DW Spectrum Client that are not available in the DW Blackjack Ai Server Configuration Tool.

This article will outline where to find the Advanced Ai Server plugin settings and define what each setting is for.


**NOTE: The Advanced plugin menu that this article refers to is available for DW Blackjack Ai Servers only.


Supported/Affected Devices:

  • DW Blackjack® Ai Server


Advanced Camera Plugins Settings

You can find the Advanced menu for the camera plugin by opening Camera Settings > Plugins > Advanced.

Descriptions for how the settings affect the scene detection can be found below.


Stationary Hold-On Time(s) – Default 60

Defined as the amount of time that an object will continue to be tracked and classified once it has stopped moving and has become stationary.


Minimum Object Size (blob pixels) – Default 10

Defined as the size of the smallest object that the Blackjack Ai engine tracking will consider.


Abandoned Object Threshold(s) – Default 5

Defined as the amount of time used by the Abandoned and Removed rules will wait before triggering.


Object Tracker Sensitivity – Default 5

Defined as the settings for how sensitive the tracker is for detecting and tracking objects.

  • The lower the value, the more sensitive the tracker will be.
  • The recommended range for common use is 1~16.


Detection Point – Enabled by default

Defined as the location from which an object is tracked.

  • Require Initial Movement – enable (check) this setting to allow object tracking.
  • Auto – tracking will be defined by the Blackjack Ai Engine by learning the scene.
  • Mid Bottom – the detection point for each object is centered along the bottom line of the bounding box.
  • Centroid – The detection point for each object is located in the middle of the bounding box.


Scene Change Duration(s) – Default 10

Defined as the amount of time (seconds) the scene needs to have change present before triggering the Scene Change process.


Scene Change Area Threshold (%) – Default 50

Defined as the percentage of the scene’s area that the camera must detect change to trigger the Scene Change process.




For More Information or Technical Support

DW Technical Support:  866.446.3595 (option 4)


DW Sales:  866.446.3595                   [email protected]

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