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Home > DW Product Help > Software Applications > DW Spectrum IPVMS > Troubleshooting > DW Spectrum - Preventing Camera Stream from Switching to MJPEG
DW Spectrum - Preventing Camera Stream from Switching to MJPEG
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Preventing Camera’s Stream from Switching to MJPEG


Affected Roles:  Owner, Administrator

Related Digital Watchdog VMS Apps:  DW Spectrum IPVMS

Software Version:  DW Spectrum v5.0.0.36183 and newer

Last Edit:  January 13, 2023



Unintended Camera H.264/H.265 Stream Changes

If an IP camera has been added to DW Spectrum and the camera’s stream codec is set to H.264/H.265, but changes to use MJPEG after the camera is suddenly rebooted (e.g., power cycle, power failure, PoE restart, etc.), it may be due to the camera taking longer than expected to initialize the camera modules.

When the camera connection resumes, DW Spectrum will query the stream profiles on the camera to retrieve all available stream settings. However, sometimes the camera may not be ready to provide the needed video streams, so DW Spectrum will automatically change to use the stream that is the readiest to use (e.g., MJPEG).

This article will provide some troubleshooting and workarounds that you can try to stop the camera from changing unexpectedly from H.264/H.265 to MJPEG.


**NOTE:  Camera streaming issues are often related to the use of outdated camera firmware and/or outdated DW Spectrum Software versions. It is recommended to use the latest firmware for your IP camera(s) and DW Spectrum software versions, when possible, to implement bug fixes and device compatibility.


Troubleshooting and Workarounds

Check the Camera H.264 Stream with ONVIF Device Manager (ODM)

The ONVIF camera should be able to stream an H.264 stream (or H.265, depending on model) through the DW Spectrum Client.  If trying to view a camera’s main video stream through DW Spectrum only results in the MJPEG stream displaying, use ODM to check for an H.264 stream.

To check for an H.264 stream:

  1. Using ONVIF Device Manager (ODM), enter the camera login, then select the camera from the device list.

Next, click on Video Streaming.


  1. At the bottom of the video window in ODM, click on Encoder and resolution to open the dropdown list.

Check for h264 with the necessary (highest) resolution.  If you do not see this, then there may be an issue with the camera or with its firmware.


**NOTE:  For more information on troubleshooting ONVIF camera discovery and stream issues, you can read the full article – ONVIF Camera Discovery and Stream Troubleshooting Guide.


Workaround A – Manually Force the Profile to be Updated in DW Spectrum

Cycle the Initialization Settings in DW Spectrum Client to re-initialize and retrieve the stream from the camera.

  1. Select the camera experiencing the issue from the Resource Tree and open the Camera Settings menu.

Select the Expert tab.


  1. In the Expert menu, locate the “Initialization Settings” section and adjust the Use Media2 to fetch profiles setting.

Click in the dropdown box and change the setting to “Never”, then click the Apply button.

  1. Wait for at least one (1) minute, then switch the Use Media2 to fetch profiles setting back to “Automatic Selection”. Click the Apply button to apply the changes.
  2. Reboot the DW Spectrum Server program/service on the hosting server computer.


Workaround B – Permanently Disable the media2 Service in DW Spectrum for the Camera

This workaround (B) is valid for cameras using H.264 profile only. Be aware that if the camera is using an H.265 stream, the stream might not work properly after disabling the media2 service.

  1. Select the camera experiencing the issue from the Resource Tree and open the Camera Settings menu.

Select the Expert tab.


  1. In the Expert menu, locate the “Initialization Settings” section and adjust the Use Media2 to fetch profiles setting.

Click in the dropdown box and change the setting to “Never”, then click the Apply button.




For More Information or Technical Support

DW Technical Support:  866.446.3595


DW Sales:  866.446.3595         

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