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Home > DW Product Help > Software Applications > DW Spectrum IPVMS > Integrations > Bold Manitou Integration with DW Spectrum - Device Discovery
Bold Manitou Integration with DW Spectrum - Device Discovery
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Bold Manitou Integration with DW Spectrum – Integration Setup


Affected Roles:  Owner, Administrator

Related Digital Watchdog VMS Apps:  DW Spectrum IPVMS

Complexity:  Medium

Software Version:  DW Spectrum IPVMS v5.0, Bold Manito v2.1.35

Last Edit:  November 3, 2022



Integrating Manitou with DW Spectrum IPVMS

The Manitou alarm monitoring software, created by the Bold Group, can be integrated with DW Spectrum IPVMS to forward video and system alerts from the DW Spectrum Server to the Manitou program.

This article will outline how to set up device discovery for the Manitou program and how to configure event alerts for integration with a DW Spectrum System.


**NOTE:  The Bold Manitou software is a partner company's product. For issues or support regarding Bold Manitou products, please contact Bold Technical Support.


Related Article:  Bold Manitou Software Integration with DW Spectrum IPVMS - Highlights


Manitou and DW Spectrum Integration Instructions

Device Discovery Setup

The Bold Manitou software program uses Device Discovery to locate available devices from the DW Spectrum Server which can then be added to customer accounts in Manitou.

To configure Manitou’s Device Discovery feature for use with DW Spectrum:

  1. In Manitou, open the customer that will be connecting with the DW Spectrum Server and navigate to the Devices menu.

System > Event Monitoring > Devices


  1. At the top of the Device list in Manitou, locate and click on the lightbulb icon to open the Device Discover menu.

In the Device Discover menu, configure the following:

  • * Video Type – this setting will default to “DIGWDOG” and the Video Type should be kept with this setting. If there is no option for Video Type available at all, the database migrations for Manitou may not have been run. You can contact the Bold Group Support for assistance with the Manitou software.
  • Create Container – [optional] this setting is enabled (ü) by default. Enable this setting to require a Container Name and Container Description. Disable this setting to discard assigning a container.
  • Area/Zone – [optional] enter additional camera site information.
  • Address [optional] enter additional camera site information.
  • * User/Password enter the user login (User ID/Password) for the target DW Spectrum IPVMS user profile
  • Options – enter the cloud name connection. For example, “cloudname=TESTING-BOLD”.

Click the Discover button to open the VCC (video control center) and search for camera connections.


  1. The discovered cameras will display. You can change the Device ID (camera name) as needed. The Description information about the discovered cameras are retrieved from the DW Spectrum Server.

To add a discovered camera, check (ü) the Selected box that appears beside the device. You may select multiple devices simultaneously.

Click Done when finished. The save icon will begin to flash. Click on the Save icon to save the changes.


  1. A message asking to create a snapshot for the added cameras will display.

Select “Yes” to have the Video Control Center temporarily open and connect with the cameras to retrieve an image that can be used to preview the camera view.


  1. A new message pop-up will display asking to refresh the customer after adding the snapshots. Click OK to confirm.


  1. The added cameras will display in the Device List of Manitou.

If you opted to create a snapshot for the cameras, a preview image will display for each camera.

You may repeat the above steps for any additional cameras that are added to the DW Spectrum Server as needed.


Alert Events Setup

Manitou users can have the DW Spectrum send system alerts and health events to the Bold Manitou MediaGateway in the central station. Perform the following to set up an Event Rule in DW Spectrum for integration with DW Spectrum:

  1. Open the DW Spectrum Client desktop software and log in to the DW Spectrum Server.

Open the System Administration menu and select the Event Rules menu.


  1. In the Event Rules menu, configure the following:
  • When – click in the drop-down and select the type of event that the Manitou users will be notified about such as analytics, input signals from sensors, motion detection from a camera, and system health events.
  • At – select the camera(s) that this rule will be applied for.
  • Event Type if selecting an analytic event for the When setting, select the type of analytic event that the rule is for.
  • Do – select “Do HTTP Request” to allow DW Spectrum to alert the Manitou users of an event through HTTP communication with the Bold Manitou MediaGateway in the central station. Be aware that the syntax for “Do HTTP Request will vary depending on the central station MediaGateway configurations.
  • Login/Password – if the Manitou server requires a username and password to authenticate incoming notifications from DW Spectrum, enter the login for Manitou.


  1. Click the Apply button to save the new event rule.

Click the OK button to close the menu.


Output Control Setup

Bold Manitou users can transmit relay output controls from the Bold Manitou program to DW Spectrum. To set up relay output controls:

  1. In DW Spectrum, create a new Event Rule and use the Generic Event type in the “When” field for each trigger event.
  2. In the “Caption contains field, the trigger name must be an exact match in both Manitou and in DW Spectrum.
  • Manitou Trigger Setting = “Output Controls”
  • DW Spectrum Event Setting = “Caption Contains”


  1. In the Action section, select what DW Spectrum will Do and At what camera the action should be performed once the trigger relay signal is received from Manitou.

Click the Apply button to save the new event rule.

Click the OK button to close the menu.

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