How to Enable Plain-Text Emails for DW Spectrum® IPVMS
Affected Roles: Administrator, Owner
Related Digital Watchdog VMS Apps: DW Spectrum® IPVMS
Complexity: Medium
Software Version: v4.1.31401 or newer
Last Edit: July 21, 2021
What is Plain-Text?
Plain-text is essentially data that is represented by readable alpha-numeric characters without additional graphical information added to the text such as formatting, fonts, layout, etc. Plain-text is also used to exclude binary files that may cause data to be incorrectly interpreted by the receiving node due to character encoding. As so, a DW Spectrum® Server can be configured to use plain-text when sending notifications through SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) to avoid these type of communication issues.
This article will outline how to enable the use of plain-text emails for a DW Spectrum® Server.
Supported/Affected Devices:
- DW Blackjack® Server Series
Enabling Plain-Text Emails
To enable plain-text emails:
- Connect with the Server’s Advanced settings menu. There are two ways that you can access this menu:
- Method 1 – using the DW Spectrum® Client, right-click on the Server and select “Server Web Page”.
A web browser will open. In the address bar, replace “/settings/server” with “/advanced” at the end of the resulting URL.
- Method 2 – open a web browser and use the following URL template to connect with the Server’s Advanced menu:
http://<Server IP Address>:<Port>/static/index.html#/advanced
- Example IP Address:
- Example Port: 7001 (default)
- Example URL:
**NOTE: You must add “advanced” at the end of the URL to access the Advanced settings of the web client.
- If you attempt to connect through the web client (Method 2), you may encounter a security warning from your web browser. This is simply the browser’s default reaction to Servers without a registered SSL certificate and is not an issue.
To continue, click the Advanced button, then click the
- The Login page for the DW Spectrum® Server’s web client will display.
Enter an Administrator User Name and Password to log in.
- Default User: admin
- Default PW: admin12345
- Once you are logged in, scroll down and locate the setting “Send plain-text emails”.
Enable this setting, then click the Save button.
- If after enabling and saving the plain-text emails setting does not immediately resolve the issue, you can restart (stop/start) the DW Spectrum® Media Server to allow the system to refresh its settings.