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Home > Technical Bulletins > Technical Bulletins - 2020 > MEGApix IP Camera Release Notes > 10/29/2020 - Technical Bulletin - MEGApix 9MP Firmware Update vA10.2.2_20201014
10/29/2020 - Technical Bulletin - MEGApix 9MP Firmware Update vA10.2.2_20201014
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To:  DW® Customers

Date:  October 28, 2020

Re:  MEGApix® 9MP Firmware Update

MEGApix® 9MP Firmware Update

Affected Model Numbers:  DWC-PVF9Di2TW

New Firmware Version:  A10.2.2_20201014

Current Firmware Version:  A10.2.1_20200220

Release Date:  10/26/2020


New Firmware Notes:

  1. Hardened for cybersecurity
    • Passwords must be at least 8 characters long, with at least 4 combinations of an uppercase letter, lowercase letter, numbers and special characters.
    • Passwords cannot contain user ID (username) in them.
    • Removed SSH
    • UPnP and DDNS are disabled by default.
    • After three (3) failed logins, the system will be locked for five (5) minutes (optional configuration in the system menu)
    • Auto web connection will logout after ten (10) minutes of inactivity.
    • The open-source library is up to date.
  2. Added System configuration import/export function (except for user credentials).
  3. Added Web RTC protocol (replacement of WEB RTSP stream) for non-IE browsers.


Note:  The VMAX® IP Plus™ NVR must be running firmware v1.4.1.1 or higher to support the new camera features.


Firmware Download:

MEGApix 9MP Firmware vA10.2.2_20201014




Click Here for a PDF copy of this bulletin


For More Information or Technical Support

DW Technical Support:

Toll-free:  866.446.3595





Rev: 10/20                             Copyright © DW. All rights reserved. Specifications and pricing subject to change without notice.

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