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Home > DW Product Help > Software Applications > DW Spectrum IPVMS > Server > Applying Patch Builds to DW Spectrum IPVMS
Applying Patch Builds to DW Spectrum IPVMS
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Applying Patch Builds to DW Spectrum® IPVMS


Affected Roles: Administrator, Owner

Related Digital Watchdog VMS Apps: DW Spectrum®

Last Edit: August 7, 2024



Software Path Builds

In some circumstances, a patch build may need to be applied to a DW Spectrum® server. This is most done when there is a third-party device added to the DW Spectrum® system and the official software release of DW Spectrum® does not include a configuration for the device. 

Software patches allow the support of specific items and can correct specific issues that may have become clear after an official software release has been published. 

This article will outline how to update DW Spectrum® IPVMS to a specific build using the IPVMS desktop client. 


Note: Any build information provided by Digital Watchdog Technical Support is provided with the expectation that it will address a specific issue for your case.  Patch builds are not official software releases.  Please apply patch builds only when instructed by a Digital Watchdog Technician to do so. 


Supported/Affected Devices:

  • DW Blackjack® Server Series


Updating DW Spectrum® to a Specific Build:

Note: If your DW Spectrum® system is on a closed network and does not have Internet access, the patch build file will need to be downloaded to a storage device (USB stick, external drive, etc.) then transferred to the DW Spectrum® system.  


If you are updating DW Spectrum® IPVMS to a specific build: 

  1. Log in to your DW Spectrum® desktop client as the Owner or as an Administrator. 
  • Default Login:  admin 
  • Default Password:  admin12345 



  1. Click on the Main Menu and select System Administration

Alternatively, use Ctrl+Alt+A on the keyboard to prompt the System Administration menu. 



  1. The System Administration menu will be displayed. 

Click on the Updates tab, then click on Update to Specific Build



  1. A specific build pop-up window will appear; enter the Build Number and Password provided by your Digital Watchdog Technical Support representative, then click the Select Build button. 
  • You may also locate the Build Number and Passwords within the specific version’s Release Notes. 



  1. DW Spectrum® will check for the patch build and will display the patch build if it is available. 

Click the Download button. Once downloaded, click the Install Update button to begin the installation of the patch build. 



Updating Without Internet Access 

If you are updating DW Spectrum® IPVMS to a specific build and you do not have Internet access, follow Steps 1 – 4 above from a computer that does have Internet access and perform the following: 

  1. Click on Get Update File, then select Download in External Browser



  1. Your computer’s default web browser will open and begin to download the .ZIP file containing your patch build. Once complete, copy the .ZIP file to an external storage device (USB stick, external drive, etc.) and transfer it to the DW Spectrum® system. 


Note: Leave the folder in .ZIP format.  From this point forward, all steps will take place within the offline DW Spectrum® system. 


  1. Log in to your DW Spectrum® desktop client as the Owner or as an Administrator. 
  • Default Login:  admin 
  • Default Password:  admin12345 



  1. Click on the Main Menu and select System Administration

Alternatively, use Ctrl+Alt+A on the keyboard to prompt the System Administration menu. 



  1. The System Administration menu will be displayed. 

Click on the Updates tab, then click on Latest Available Update and select Browse for Update file



  1. From the Select Update File window, select the .ZIP file containing your patch build, then click the Open button. 



  1. DW Spectrum® will detect the patch build. 

Click the Upload button. Once uploaded, click the Install Update button to begin the installation of the patch build for your offline server. 





For More Information or Technical Support

DW Technical Support:  866.446.3595 (option 4)


DW Sales:  866.446.3595                   [email protected]


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