Flowchart: DDNS Troubleshooting
Affected Roles: Administrator
Related Digital Watchdog VMS Apps: DW VMAX, DW Mobile, VMAX Plus, DW Mobile Plus
Complexity: Low to Medium
Last Edit: April 6, 2020
Dynamic DNS (DDNS)
Digital Watchdog’s standalone recording units allow users to connect remotely through the use of a DDNS address, rather than having to consistently check and use the Public IP Address of the network.
Despite its convenience, DDNS connection issues may arise due to networking issues involving the port forwarding in the recording unit’s local router(s) or local networking issues.
Supported/Affected Devices
- VMAX Series (960H Analog)
- VMAX A1 Series (2.1 MP)
- VMAX A1 Plus Series (5 MP)
- VMAX IP Plus Series
Use the following flowchart to troubleshoot DDNS connection issues.
Click on the back arrow (to the left of the flowchart) to go back to your previous option in the flowchart.
Note: It is recommended to use either Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox to use the flowchart.