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DW VMAX Mobile App Setup (960H Models)
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DW VMAX Mobile App Setup (960H Models)


Affected Roles:  All Roles

Related Digital Watchdog VMS Apps:  DW VMAX (iOS & Android)

Complexity:  Low

Last Edit:  July 30, 2024



DW VMAX Mobile Application

The DW VMAX mobile application can be downloaded and installed from the mobile application store of most Android and iOS devices.  This mobile application allows users to monitor their standalone, analog recording units using either direct connection or DDNS.

This article will outline how to connect with a VMAX recording unit using the DW VMAX mobile application.


Note: The DW VMAX mobile application is no longer available for download through the iOS App Store or the Google Play Store.

Note:  To proceed with setting up the DW VMAX mobile application, the network setup for the DVR must be completed.  If you have not yet set up network settings for the DVR, please read Network Setup For A VMAX DVR (960H).

For a VMAX A1 (2.1) recorder, please read Network Setup For A VMAX A1.


Supported/Affected Devices

  • VMAX Series (Legacy)
  • VMAX 480 Series
  • VMAX 960H Core Series
  • VMAX 960H Flex Series
  • VMAX Flex Series
  • VMAX A1 Series (2.1 MP)


Creating A New Site

To create a new site for connection with the DVR using the DW VMAX mobile application, you must know the IP Address or DDNS Address of the DVR.  This information may be found in the Network settings of the unit.

  1. If you have not already done so, please download and install the DW VMAX (available for iOS & Android) mobile application from your mobile device’s application store.


  1. Launch the DW VMAX mobile application.

Press the + button to create a new site.


  1. Select the Model of your DVR.

Note:  If you do not know the model of your DVR, inspect the model name, located on the sticker on top of the recorder.

  • DW-VMAX480 = VMAX480
  • DW-VC = VMAX 960H Core
  • DW-VF960H = VMAX 960H Flex


  1. Name your site.  This will determine how the site will be labeled in the DW VMAX mobile application.


  1. Enter the channels that you will be viewing from your mobile application.

For example, to see all channels from a 16-channel recording unit, use channels 1-16.


  1. Enter the network connection information from the DVR.

This information can be found in the Network settings of the VMAX unit.


Note:  If you have completed the WAN Setup section of Network Setup For A VMAX DVR (960H) or Network Setup For A VMAX A1, the use of a DDNS address may be implemented, instead of the Local IP Address of the DVR, for offsite connection.



  1. Enter the User ID and Password of the DVR.

This information is the same User ID and Password that you log in with for the DVR.


  • ID:  admin
  • PW:  --- (blank)



  1. Press the Save button at the top of the Add Device menu.

The DW VMAX mobile application will take you back to the Device List.


  1. Site set up is now complete.  You may select your site, then select Live to establish a live connection with the VR, or Search to search and playback camera recordings.

If you fail to connect, select your site, then select Edit to check your site settings.


Note:  When connecting from the local network (LAN) through Wi-Fi at the DVR’s location, use the Local IP Address of the DVR to connect.

When connecting from an external network (WAN) through the Internet, use either the DDNS address of the DVR or the Public IP Address of the network to connect.

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