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Home > DW Product Help > DW Recording Servers > DW Standalone Units > VMAX IP Plus & G4 > [INTERNAL] VMAX IP G4 & Plus (3rd Gen) Remote GUI Management
[INTERNAL] VMAX IP G4 & Plus (3rd Gen) Remote GUI Management
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VMAX IP G4/Plus Remote GUI Management


Affected Roles:  Administrator

Restricted Audience: INTERNAL Distribution

Last Edit:  February 22, 2024



Local GUI Control

The settings available for VMAX models differ between the local and web client menu options. Local settings can be remotely accessed by altering the URL path when connecting to the unit through a web browser. This may prove to be a helpful option when troubleshooting local configurations when onsite management is not possible.

This article will outline an advanced technique to directly access the local GUI of the VMAX IP G4 or VMAX IP Plus (3rd Gen) without needing to physically access the unit.


**NOTE: This setup is not intended for viewing live streams and should be reserved for troubleshooting purposes only. The remote connection will be slower than regular web client connection, let alone in weak network environments.


Supported/Affected Devices:

  • VMAX® IP G4 Series
  • VMAX® IP Plus Series (3rd Gen)


Example Uses

The following example options can only be enabled locally at the NVR.

  • Mobile Notify – ability to enable/disable; establishes device connection and allowing users to receive push notifications from the unit.
  • Email Notifications – ability to enable/disable video clip attachment.
  • Camera Setup – access to IVA alarm manager and OSD settings.
  • Recording Info – ability to check the record period and current/remaining recording days.
  • Analysis – ability to check system performance, network, PoE, event monitors, etc.


Accessing the Local GUI Remotely

To remotely access the local GUI of the unit:

  1. Open a web browser and connect with the NVR through your preferred method (direct IP, P2P, or DDNS).
  2. Log in as the Administrator. This technique will only work after logging in to the system.
  3. After logging in, replace the end of the URL string (.cgi?no_playback=1) with:



For example:

  • Direct IP Address – http://<IP Address>:<Port>/cgi-bin/setup_osd.cgi


  • P2P –<Port>/cgi-bin/setup_osd.cgi


  • DDNS – http://<name><Port>/cgi-bin/setup_osd.cgi


  1. After adjusting the local settings as needed, revert back to the regular viewing URL before trying to watch video footage for a more stable remote viewing experience.




For More Information or Technical Support

DW Technical Support:  866.446.3595 (option 4)


DW Sales:  866.446.3595         

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