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Home > DW Product Help > DW Cameras > IP Cameras > MEGApix Cameras > PTZ Cameras > MEGApix - DWC-XPZA Auto Tracking Setup Guide
MEGApix - DWC-XPZA Auto Tracking Setup Guide
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DWC-XPZA Auto Tracking Setup Guide


Affected Roles:  Owner, Administrator

Related Digital Watchdog VMS Apps:  DW Spectrum IPVMS

Last Edit:  August 2, 2024



XPZA Auto Tracking Setup

The DW MEGApix XPZA08Mi and XPZA03Mi PTZ camera models include features and settings that allow the camera to detect objects and to track movement in live settings. This feature can be set up to coordinate with DW Spectrum IPVMS to record video during a detection event to monitor and follow people or vehicles as they move through a scene.

This article will outline how to configure the camera settings for PTZ automatic tracking for the DWC-XPZA08Mi and DWC-XPZA03Mi camera models.


Supported/Affected Devices:

  • DWC-XPZA08Mi
  • DWC-XPZA03Mi


Auto Tracking Setup Guide

To enable the automatic tracking features, access the camera’s web interface, log in as the Administrator and perform the following instructions below.

After logging in to the camera’s web interface, click on “Setup” to open the camera settings.


**NOTE:  The default ID/Password for the camera is admin/admin. If this is your first time setting up the camera, you will be prompted to set up a new administrator password.


Part 1 – Enable Ai Mode

To enable the Ai analytic feature:

  1. Navigate to the AI > General menu.
  2. Enable the AI Mode setting and select “Object Detection”.


  1. Click the Apply button to save the setting changes.



Part 2 – Object Detection

Select which objects to track and adjust the object size to fit the needs of the environment:

  1. Navigate to the AI > Object Detection menu.
  2. In the Basic section of the menu, choose the type of object (Person, Bicycle, Car) to track. You may also configure the following sub-settings as needed.
    1. Display Type – select how detected objects will appear while being tracked.
      • Box – detected objects will appear with a box drawn around it.
      • Blur – detected objects will appear blurred out.
    2. Sensitivity – determines how sensitive object detection will be. The higher the sensitivity, the farther objects on screen will also be detected. Lower sensitivity settings will increase the quantity of objects that can be detected but with require more obvious movement to be detected.
  3. Adjust the Object Size settings to fit the camera environment as needed.
    1. Set the Minimum and Maximum object size.
  4. Click the Apply button to save the settings changes.


Part 2.1 [Optional] – Region of Interest (ROI)

You may set additional object detection parameters by setting region of interests (up to 8 areas) for the camera. This option can be used to actively filter when and where objects should or should not be detected.


ROI (Include)

Set the area to include object detection.

  • Region – select the individual settings for each region of interest.
  • Mode – set how the ROI will display on the screen.
    • Off – disables ROI.
    • Show – enables the ability to select the ROI with area selection. The ROI will be displayed on-screen.
    • Hide – enables the ability to select the ROI with area selection but the ROI will not be displayed on-screen.
  • Search – the screen will return to the location where the currently selected Region was first selected.
  • Edit – edit and modify the current ROI.
  • Set – click to save modified changes to the ROI.
  • Direction – specify a direction of movement that objects must move to pique interest.
    • Off – disables object movement direction.
    • Show – enables the ability to select object movement direction. The line of movement direction will be displayed on-screen.
    • Hide – enables the ability to select object movement direction. The line of movement direction will be hidden on-screen.
    • Edit – edit and modify the object direction setting.
    • Set – save modified changes to the object direction setting.
  • Object – select the type of object (Person, Bicycle, Car) to track.


ROI (Exclude)

Set the area to ignore objects and exclude detection.

  • Region – select the individual settings for each region of interest.
  • Mode – set how the ROI will display on the screen.
    • Off – disables ROI.
    • Show – enables the ability to select the ROI with area selection. The ROI will be displayed on-screen.
    • Hide – enables the ability to select the ROI with area selection but the ROI will not be displayed on-screen.
  • Search – the screen will return to the location where the currently selected Region was first selected.
  • Edit – edit and modify the current ROI.
  • Set – click to save modified changes to the ROI.
  • Object – select the type of object (Person, Bicycle, Car) to track.



Part 3 – General PTZ Tracking

Select the type of objects that the camera should track when they are detected.

  1. Navigate to the PTZ > Tracking menu.
  2. In the General section of the menu, choose the type of objects (Person, Bicycle, Car) to track.
  3. Click the Apply button to save the settings changes.


Part 4 – Advanced PTZ Tracking

Continuing in the PTZ > Tracking menu, set the tracking parameters for the camera.

  1. In the General section of the menu, configure the following:
    1. Tracking Priority – choose the preferred type of object tracking to use.
  • Standalone [recommended] – recognizes and tracks objects within the camera’s field of view.
  • External Tracking – when an object or motion is detected by a separate, fixed camera (bullet, etc.) that is mounted in the same location as the PTZ camera, coordinate information is detected by the fixed camera and is sent to the PTZ camera. The PTZ camera will then orient itself to the coordinates of the fixed camera to track the new detection.


    1. Session Time – used for External Tracking setting; determines how long to wait (seconds) for the PTZ to react after an object has disappeared from the fixed camera’s view. This is similar to the Holding Time setting.

    1. Target State – choose when object tracking will occur while watching a detected object.
  • Moving/Stay – also known as “external tracking”; object tracking progresses when a detected object moves or remains stationary for the set time duration (Session Time).
  • Flow – tracks objects that move in the direction of the AI ROI Direction.
    1. View Size – select if the zoom-in function should be used when tracking objects. Set whether the objects should appear large (zoomed-in), medium sized (middle) or small (wide) in the camera’s field of vision.
    2. Zoom – enable or disable zoom function integration.
    3. Zoom Limit – set whether the camera should use the zoom-in function when an object moves further away from the camera, as well as the magnification limit.
    4. Tracking Time – set how long the PTZ camera should continue to track an object after it has been detected (infinite, 10 sec, 30 sec, 1 min, 2 min, etc.)
    5. Holding Time – set how long the PTZ camera should remain pointed at a coordinate after an object that was being tracked has disappeared. (2 ~ 60 sec)
    6. Reset Position – select the preset position setting to which the PTZ camera will reorient itself after the Holding Time threshold has been met.
    7. Run Tracking – click to begin using the Tracking settings as outlined. This is a one-time use command.
    8. Stop Tracking – stop all tracking.


Part 5 – Parking Action

Set the Auto Parking settings to have the camera return to previous preset positions or to resume regular operation such as Pattern, Swing, or Group setups.

  1. Navigate to the PTZ > Advanced menu.
  2. In the Auto Parking section, configure the following settings:
    1. Parking Time – the camera will perform the Parking Action after the set time has been reached and there have been no other commands. This will trigger automatic tracking even if other commands such as Jog Control Action, Go Preset, etc. are executed.
    2. Parking Action – set to “Auto Tracking”.


Part 6 – HTTP Command

To activate the Auto Tracking manually, you can use the following HTTP command:

http://<PTZ CAM IP Address>/httpapi/SendPTZ?action=sendptz&PTZ_CHANNEL=1&PTZ_PRESETGOTO=660


This HTTP command can be executed either through a web browser or within a VMS Event Rule that utilizes HTTP commands.




For More Information or Technical Support

DW Technical Support:  866.446.3595 (option 4)


DW Sales:  866.446.3595                   [email protected]

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